Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 471

Chapter 471


Chapter 471: An Outsider Woman

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zi expressed her gratitude to Aunt Zhang, Thank you for sharing all this with me, and for your hard work today. Aunt Zhang, youre well-acquainted with the people of Chen Village. After today, please keep an eye on their activities and let me know if anything unusual happens. Also, please accept this token of my appreciation for your help today. Everyone who helped out will receive one.

From a small bag she carried with her, Gu Zi pulled out a red envelope and handed it to Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang initially wanted to refuse. She hadnt offered her assistance to Gu Zi for the sake of money, but simply because she enjoyed Gu Zis company. It was rare to find someone like Gu Zi in the village.

However, after hearing Gu Zis subsequent words, Aunt Zhang found it difficult to refuse and accepted the envelope gracefully.

The sacrificial ceremony was a lively affair, lasting until well past three in the afternoon. Exhausted, Gu Zi returned home, took a bath, and went straight to bed for a nap. She was at ease knowing that her daughter, Su Le, was in the care of the two older brothers.

Meanwhile, at the ancestral hall, Su Jing and Aunt Zhang were still busy with the cleanup. Su Jing was tidying up the tables in the courtyard, alone. Seizing the opportunity, a few women from Chen Village approached her for a chat.

The gossipy woman started, Su Jing, when did you come back? We didnt expect you to still have a place in the Su family. We apologize for what happened today. We dont really have any issues with the Su family. We just cant stand that city womans attitude. Besides, shes not even a real heiress, just a mistaken one!

Su Jing continued her work, not saying anything or interrupting. The other women chimed in, echoing the gossipy woman, Exactly, youre a member of the Su family. Its only right that you should be in charge. But Gu Zi isnt. The one leading the incense offering should have been you, an unmarried sister of the family, not her. We feel indignant on your behalf!

Right, and we heard that Gu Zi doesnt do anything at home except cook. She even makes your brother do a lot of the chores, including laundry! Your brother is a man who earns a good living. Since when do men do womens laundry?

Doing chores like cooking and laundry will bring bad luck to a man if he does them too often. Youve lived in the city too, have you ever seen a man doing laundry for a woman? Whats the point of marrying her?

Finally, after listening to their endless chatter, Su Jing straightened up and looked at the gossipy woman, asking, Im not quite sure what youre getting at. What exactly are you trying to say?

Seeing an opportunity for drama, the gossipy woman continued to stir the pot, Oh, Su Jing, cant you see it? Your sister-in-law is deliberately suppressing you. Weve all noticed it. She left early, leaving you to finish the cleanup. Isnt that her deliberately making things difficult for you, suppressing you?

Youre the young lady of the Su family. You should be enjoying your visit home, being served by her, your sister-in-law, not the other way around. If it continues like this, youll always be under her thumb. Were all experienced in these matters, and were saying this for your own good. We dont want to see the Su family being lorded over by an outsider woman.

The icy veneer on Su Jings face deepened as she curled her lips in disdain. So, youve come to sow discord between my sister-in-law and me? I think youre mistaken. I chose to stay and work here of my own accord. If you have nothing else to do, you may leave. Or, you could lend a hand. Here, help me wipe the table.

As she spoke, Su Jing thrust the tablecloth she held into the hands of the wide-mouthed woman, who stood there dumbfounded. This was not going as she had envisioned.

Su Jing then turned her gaze to the other women, saying, Since youre so concerned about me, I presume youd be willing to help me with some chores? You can sweep the floor. Oh, and you, take out the trash. There are several bins out back that need emptying.

These tasks were usually handled by the men from the pig farm, but with these willing helpers at her disposal, why not take advantage?

During her previous disagreements with her sister-in-law, Su Jing had learned a thing or two. If someone loved to gossip, she would drag these gossipmongers down with her. It was a tactic she had picked up from her sister-in-law, and these women were the perfect practice targets.

Seeing the womens stunned expressions, Su Jing remained silent, her face revealing a hint of regret. So, youre all talk, huh? You wont even help me with these minor tasks. Fine, Ill tell my brother. We wont allow anyone from Chen Village to buy pork from our pig farm anymore. Youre not good neighbors after all.

The wide-mouthed woman shot a glance at the other women, hurriedly saying to Su Jing, We came here to help you work. What are you talking about? Lets get to work.

Despite everything, the wide-mouthed woman still clung to her own judgment. Perhaps Su Jing was merely testing them. There was no way Su Jing would truly submit to Gu Zi.

